What is Chiropractic 

Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and management of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with particular emphasis on the spine. Chiropractic, founded in 1895, originates from the greek words “cheir” (meaning hand) and “praktos “(meaning done), i.e. Done by Hand.

Coventry Chiropractic Kenilworth started seeing patients in 1948, making it one of the longest established clinics in the United Kingdom and Europe. The principles of Chiropractic are timeless, which is part of the reason the profession continues to thrive and enjoy the highest patient satisfaction outcomes, and at Coventry Chiropractic Kenilworth we embrace those timeless healing principles whilst incorporating the best of modern clinical assessment and practice that has evolved over time. Our chiropractors have each been in full time practice for over 15 years, and worked in a wide variety of clinical settings, so they are sure to have relevant clinical experience to help you get well.

Coventry Chiropractic Kenilworth

We see many patients presenting to clinic with conditions including non-traumatic back pain, sciatica, headaches arising from the neck (cervicogenic), mechanical neck pain and non- traumatic general acute & chronic backache. Many people also seek care for migraine prevention.

We use a range of techniques to improve function and increase mobility. This includes manual therapy (spinal manipulation, mobilisation and soft tissue therapy) to free joints in the spine that are not moving properly. As well as manual treatment, chiropractors are able to offer a package of care which includes advice on self-help, therapeutic exercises and lifestyle changes.

Do not hesitate to contact Coventry Chiropractor Kenilworth if you want to commence care. We are located on the Walsgrave Road Coventry with great road access to Rugby, Leamington Spa and Kenilworth and are fortunate to benefit from ample parking.

How do I commence care at Coventry Chiropractic Clinic?

First Contact/Get in touch – the easiest way to make an enquiry or book an appointment is to call the clinic directly and speak to one of our team. Should you then wish to become a patient, you will need to book two visits, your consultation and a complimentary Health Talk. The consultation includes a thorough case history of your main complaint and a physical examination (including orthopedic and neurological tests) which allow us to assess your condition. The Health Talk gives you the necessary information about chiropractic and how to look after your spine.

Chiropractic Kenilworth

Second Contact – following your consultation and Health Talk you will book your Report of Findings. During the Report of Findings we will explain your condition and what we can do to help. Your care will usually start on this visit once your consent has been obtained.

In most cases we can usually arrange for your care to start within one week of your consultation and Health Talk, and sometimes in as little as two days depending on appointment availability and your flexibility.

This two-step process is designed to give you as much information as possible before starting care. We find that people benefit from receiving this information in a number of ways, not least of all because it answers any questions they have about Chiropractic before they commit to care, but also because they tend to get better, more lasting results due to their increased understanding of the problem.

If you would like to know if Chiropractic might be of benefit to you then give Coventry Chiropractor Kenilworth a call on 02476 452 357


Come and see us for a thorough examination