We have undertaken a rigorous risk assessment, with yours and our own safety in mind, and now have effective health and safety measures in place that ensure your visit to the practice is as safe as reasonably practicable given the nature of manual care. These include:


· All patients contacting us for an appointment are triaged by clinic team member over the telephone to establish their status (asymptomatic / symptomatic / self-isolating / living with someone symptomatic or self-isolating / have been in contact with anyone symptomatic, shielding / living with someone shielding).


· Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell) must stay away from the clinic and follow advice on nhs.uk/coronavirus


· Patients will also be asked if they are in a moderate risk (clinically vulnerable) or high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable) group who have been asked to shield. Clinically extremely vulnerable patients should have received a letter from the NHS about shielding and will be discouraged from face to face appointments during this period.


· Telehealth appointments (or advice) will be offered for those patients who need advice if they cannot attend for care.


· A second triage is conducted at the Clinic, (including a temperature check)


· A strict cleaning, sanitation and infection control protocol is adhered to. Additional time is allowed following normal adjustments in order to allow thorough cleaning between patients.


· Chiropractors will adhere to current government guidance relating to the use of PPE and will wear a mask, disposable single use gloves and disposable single use aprons.


· Our Clinic layout has been adapted to maintain social distancing between patients and all team members.


Over time and as the situation with Covid-19 evolves we will continue to review all processes within the clinic.

We will continue to follow government guidance along with advice from our regulator and professional association.


For upper and lower back pain treatment